Lessons from the Dandelion


My heart is full of so much gratitude for the stories of hope and inspiration many of you have shared- poems, prayers, yoga classes, art, podcasts and calls in this strange and unsettling time. I have been hesitant to write an Abbey Joy newsletter because I know our inboxes are overloaded, and I've been feeling much happier when I completely turn off my phone/email and run to the outdoors. But I feel called to share a lesson from the abundance of dandelions popping up around the gardens here. 
I was recently reminded of activist Joanna Macy's work, called the "Cycle that Reconnects". As you can see in the image below, she suggests we can create social change through the powerful circle of expressing gratitude, honoring our pain, seeing with new eyes, and going forth. 

The last few weeks have brought many pains to light- the pains of isolation, grief, fear, and frustration. I feel extremely lucky to be in one of the most regenerative places imaginable on this abundant farm, but can't help from breaking into tears with feelings of sadness for everyone suffering in this time. I have been reminding myself to honor this sadness rather than push it away. We must be willing to feel grief fully before she will carry on. 

The beautiful counterpart to a good crying session, is the clarity that follows. Like the moment the sun breaks through the rolling fog here, I feel moments of intense inspiration. "I must create art!" or "go make soup for the community" my heart shouts. In these moments of inspiration I see the possibility for a more beautiful world. 

I see communities connected by cooking and caring for one another. I imagine us having time to care for our bodies with good food, gardening, long walks, and time in the fresh air. I imagine the potential for more meaningful conversations, like the ones I've been having the last few days because I'm not rushing off to the next "to-do". I imagine everyone cultivating work they enjoy and rich hobbies. I hope for collective child-caring where everyone in the community takes part in educating and nurturing the young, sharing the skills they have honed from years of intentional practice. I visualize a health care system focused on preventative care and care for those who are most vulnerable. And I see us all finding our necessary and inspired role in this collective. 
Let's use this immense pause to CHOOSE the future we desire. Make a vision board, write a letter to your future self, honor your grief with art or song. 

I love that Joanna Macy's work that reconnects takes the shape of a dandelion because these plants are sprouting EVERYWHERE right now. Many consider them to be weeds, but the herbalist knows dandelions possess some of the most potent plant medicine. Dandelion greens contain vitamins A, C, K, B, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium. The flowers are known to help detoxify the liver, speed metabolism, and decrease inflammation. Research also show dandelion's antiviral and antimicrobial properties help boost the immune system and fight illness. You can also build lung capacity by making wishes on the puffs!

I am learning that often "weeds" are our most powerful allies. The most stubborn, rampant, wild plants are packed with nutrients because they have adapted to be resilient. My suggestion is we all embody our inner dandelion this week.

Be stubborn for what you believe in. Shed brightness and light wherever you go (even if only over Zoom). Grow strong roots in this time of introspection and slowing down. Get outside in nature every chance you have (dandelions are always popping up through the cracks). And be a healer for others- send cards, prayers, and love. 

Thank you for all you do! You are a gift! You are part of nature! You are resilient!

With so much love and healing wishes, 

Abbey <3